If only you knew that where you're headed was worth every moment, you'd be celebrating. You're becoming you. All the shedding of the past or limited ideas of yourself is freeing you to be who you have always been. Your mind is very powerful! You can create an inner shift and alter your perspective and how you see things. You can choose your peace. You deserve some good news right now! It's your time to receive! You had enough lessons. You did the work. You overcame so much. You believed even when it was hard to. You never gave up. You pushed through it all. Now its your turn to receive in a major way. If you want to experience something great, then start thinking, feeling and being great. Look for what's good and what's right in your life.

Don't count yourself out. Some of the things that are going to unfold in your life are still in the seed stay stage getting ready to flourish. All your inner work, efforts, action, visualizations, transformations and dedication to growth is about to pay off. You have the choice to accept greatness into your life. You have the power to change your life and to recreate yourself. Always be optimistic, hopeful, and positive that all things are going to work together for you. No matter what is happening, you can decide right now with a shift of your mindset and a change of attitude that blessings will enter your life. There's great hope for you. Just believe and let what goes go and what comes come.

Don't ask for change then try to avoid the process. It's okay to be uncomfortable when you're stepping it up. The universe is getting ready to bless you and bring you great opportunities. Don't resist the process even when it doesn't make sense. Don't be afraid to let go, flow, and allow. Take the lessons. Do the actions that are necessary and watch what shoes up. Pay attention to the signs. You're being guided to where you belong. Everything will make sense. You'll look back and be glad that you set the intention that something great is going to happen to you.


We are God's Perfect Creation

Beautiful of all Worlds



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