5 Ways to Evade Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is developed in the colon or rectum Hence its name ' Colo ' ' Rectal " It is the third most common cancer in men and women 5 Ways to Evade Colorectal Cancer 1. Live a healthy lifestyle Obesity and lack of exercise can increase insulin levels That may help drive cancer cell growth 5 Ways to Evade Colorectal Cancer Eat a healthy, plant-based diet That is low in red or processed meat. Exercise at least 150 minutes a week. 5 Ways to Evade Colorectal Cancer 2. Eat Nuts and Drink Coffee Studies show nuts can help decrease risk For colerectal cancer by reducing insulin resistance. Eating 1oz of nuts 5 or more times per week has been found To reduce death from all causes by 20 percent 5 Ways to Evade Colorectal Cancer Coffee may lower risk of colorectal cancer And helps reduce risk of recurrence in survivors. Like nuts, coffee has been linked to reducing insulin resistance. 5 Ways to Evad...