
Showing posts from 2018

A Letter to my Younger self - 23 Things I have learned in 23 Years.

Many of you may not know, but I used to have a diary as a young teenager, I started having one when I was 13 years and now that I am 23 years, I feel I need to go down memory lane and recall some experiences that I have gained wisdom from over the last decade transitioning into my adult life. These are 23 things I have learned, I will always remember and I think it's worth sharing so here goes....... 1) Your value does not reduce by somebody's inability to see your worth. When I was younger, some people thought I was not good enough, I was not sharp enough, I was too dark, I was too quiet, they would think all sorts. All those things would drown me as a young girl, sometimes even my teachers let me down, would not believe in me. With time I always persisted to see the best in myself, and today those same people now call me beautiful, intelligent and smart. Always increase in your value and believe with patience, your value would be so great, you will be so good that they ...

20 Questions for Date Night

Whether you are married, engaged or just dating, its important to ask your date questions  other than how are you? How was your day? or just end up having a dead conversation. It's because we are asking the wrong questions . Try switching up the questions to connect on a deeper level and gain an opportunity to know our partners better by their responses to these question. Remember if you don't want lame answers, you can't ask lame questions. Here are better questions to ask your date besides, "How was your day?". 1. Tell me about a book (or something you watched) that changed your life. 2. What is one of the best gifts you received as a child? Why was it so special? 3. What is a tradition you wish your family had, but never did? 4. What was the best vacation you/your family ever had? 5. Tell me about somewhere you've been that you would like to go back to. 6. What would you like to do more of in life, but don't? Why not? ...

The War Within - Pursue Purity...

"Make a pre-determined decision to stay pure, and that you won't date anyone who has not made the same commitment.   Abstain from every form of evil!"   1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 " We often feel like there is a war going on within us. One part of us (the inner person) wants to do what we know to be right, and another part (the outer person) wants to do what is wrong. The wrong thing can feel right, while the right thing feels wrong. Remember that we cannot judge the moral value of any action by how we feel. Our feelings are unreliable and cannot be trusted to convey truth. A Christian woman may become emotionally attached to a man other than her husband; she may feel that she could never be happy without him, yet deep inside she knows that leaving her family for the  other man would be the wrong thing to do. She doesn't want to hurt anyone. She doesn't want to disappoint family and friends, but her feelings and emotions and is in the midst of a t...

How to set smart goals

How to Set  SMART  GOALS Only 3% of adults have clear, written, specific, measurable,  time-bounded goals, and by every statistic, they accomplish ten times as much as people with no goals at all. SPECIFIC Specific goals focus people's attention; Lacking a specific goal, employee attention may be deserved across too many possible objectives "I will increase the company's revenue by making 10 more sales a week" MEASURABLE "Goals should be measurable so that you have tangible evidence that you have accomplished the goal" "I will increase the company's revenue 20% by making 10 more sales a week" ACHIEVABLE A goal is achievable if it's something that you know you can do. "I will increase the company's revenue 20% by making 10 more sales a week. List quarter the increase was 15%, so it shouldn't be too hard" REALISTIC "If I could re...

25 Things I am Grateful For on 25th Birthday

God, I thank you my heavenly father. Thank you for another 365days of your awesome glory. I am so happy to meet the woman I am today, basking from glory to glory. All because of who you are. By your grace, I would live to see another phenomenal year. What the Lord has done for me, I can not tell it all. 25 Things I am grateful for. Thank you for strength. 🙏 Thank you for courage.  Thank you for direction. Thank you for sustenance. Thank you for safety. Thank you for sound health. Thank you for wisdom. Thank you for wonderful parents.👫 Thank you for great friends. Thank you for amazing family. Thank you for my great mentors Thank you for journey mercies. Thank you for uncommon privileges. Thank you for a sound mind. Thank you for your indisputable provision. Thank you for continual joy. Thank you for irrevocable laughter. Thank you for victory to victory. ✌ Th...

Most Times It Takes Two to Tangle!

How can You "SM_LE" Without "I" How can You be "F_NE" Without "I" How can You "W_SH" Without "I" How can You be "FR_END" Without "I" "I" am very important But this "I" can never Achieve "S_CCESS" without "U"

5 Ways to Cultivate the Spirit Man within You

She wanted it badly, so badly, spiritually hungry she was but solely for his undiluted word, that was free from the countenances of this world. Her heart poured constantly for him, when she was alone, He was all she listened to, her heart constantly incorporating and loving him. She heard many people talk about how God had spoken to them, And she wished more than any other thing in life, He would speak to her. She watched her actions carefully and fled from a life of sin, pure was all she was becoming.... Life challenged her greatly, she was very young and life challenged her. She prayed desperately,  "Lord I don't want to struggle anymore, fight my battles for me." CULTIVATING SPIRITUAL SENSITIVITY Once you function on being led by the spirit, you begin to avoid a lot of danger and then you are bound to make the right decisions in life. Your decisions will not be rooted on what you can see with your eyes. Your decisions will not be according to ment...

Quote of the day - Maraboli

We are God' Perfect Creation Beautiful of all Worlds DamieQuotes

God is Good.

In Everything in life, we experience good and bad In 'love' 'Excitement' 'Career' 'Fun' 'Dream' 'Family' But the only way we can experience Good Forever is to know 'God' He is the word 'Good' Add an extra 'O' to 'God' And you have 'Good' 'O' means praise 'O' means excitement 'O' means deep affection 'O' means everything 'O' is round it never ends 'O' is in the center of God God is the center of all That's all We are God' Perfect Creation Beautiful of all Worlds DamieQuotes