A Letter to my Younger self - 23 Things I have learned in 23 Years.

Many of you may not know, but I used to have a diary as a young teenager, I started having one when I was 13 years and now that I am 23 years, I feel I need to go down memory lane and recall some experiences that I have gained wisdom from over the last decade transitioning into my adult life. These are 23 things I have learned, I will always remember and I think it's worth sharing so here goes....... 1) Your value does not reduce by somebody's inability to see your worth. When I was younger, some people thought I was not good enough, I was not sharp enough, I was too dark, I was too quiet, they would think all sorts. All those things would drown me as a young girl, sometimes even my teachers let me down, would not believe in me. With time I always persisted to see the best in myself, and today those same people now call me beautiful, intelligent and smart. Always increase in your value and believe with patience, your value would be so great, you will be so good that they ...