Let's heart about it...

Guys I know men don't like to show emotions... but really is it okay for a man to show his emotions or worse still cry over her? Is it considered not being manly or tough? One answer is that men are wired not to show emotions They are considered to be weaklings when they love a girl too much Society has wrapped their existence in being manly They are the rock! On a broader gender equality view It doesn't matter which gender you are If you cry over your loved one no matter if your male or female That means you love them more than anyone ever will Do girls just pretend to cry to get attention? Is it just her hormones? Is she happy? Is she sad? Is she hurt? Or at a bad joke/message misinterpreted Men don't really understand when a girl cries I think this is to why men decided to write poetry Books, paint arts, screable quotes, sing songs For it expresses to the world that men too have feelings And many think it's wro...