Re-Discovering Your Purpose

A lot of people are rich, powerful, influential but broken
How can this be?
One would have thought if you have everything in the world
You would be complete!
It is because man is just not the physical being that you see
That one thing that does not make you sleep at night
Even when everyone looks at you, 
Oh wonderful! Oh beautiful!
That very thing that makes you so dissatisfied
The thing that makes you jump from one place to another
You have never been able to stay in a relationship or alone
There is something deeper
Its not just about your physical well being
We are not just this body, this flesh or beauty that we see
From dust we have come, to dust shall we return

So why are we here on earth?
But God breathed into man's nostrils, the breath of life
And man became a living soul 
In every part of the scripture, we see God constantly reminding us
That there's a lot of deposit in the spirit
Sometimes our spirit would pick up signals to lead us
But we were not spiritually alert to hear him
Many people fall into temptations they never should have fallen into
Because they were attentive to the flesh

One million cells were swingled just to form you
What has God set you to do in this life?
Everything needed to happen for you to be born
What is your purpose?
God needed to watch over you all this years
For you to be right where you are
Your purpose had been determined right from your birth
The family you were born into and how you were to be born

When you are sad and no one comes your way
I pray the spirit of God will go into the root of your life
Take reposition and take you to where you are to be
Receive his ability, strength , to change your life
He specially designed and crafted you
And who the son of man sets free
Is set free Indeed!
Each of us belongs to God.

Live a life of purpose...

We are God's Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


  1. Replies
    1. well done as always except when not! like a $65 UNLIMITED card no service to henya and nigeria. right!

  2. totally confirmed in my my mind--swingled is one of those daughter rohnda kaye,ie squoosed (bug).gotta lovit and all grandpas & granddaughters hugs

    1. Thank you for confirming in your spirit. Bless you

  3. totally confirmed in my my mind--swingled is one of those daughter rohnda kaye,ie squoosed (bug).gotta lovit and all grandpas & granddaughters hugs

  4. totally confirmed in my my mind--swingled is one of those daughter rohnda kaye,ie squoosed (bug).gotta lovit and all grandpas & granddaughters hugs


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