The Pitfalls of Adultery

Most people don't realize the power they have
It's like shooting yourself in the leg
You will lose the very common of sense of yourself
When you commit the unpardonable
You find days and night and tears
And you cry
You just shot yourself in the leg
You just sit back and search for your essence
You don't know who you are
Your soul is really not together anymore
'Cause you just gave up on yourself
Its way deeper than anyone feels it is

Why let all your values, your love
Who you stand for and who you represent
Just go in few minutes of adultery
Being lustfully after someone
When you already have someone in your life

Love is as powerful as death
And committing adultery
Your loved one just comes back and looks at you
And still they won't see or feel you

That's why when people commit adultery
They can not get themselves anymore
They lose theirselves and who they love the most
No matter how hard they try to keep them
That person has gone
Its just a shadow of the person you see
But you are not seeing the person anymore
Your significant other, Your soulmate will be long done
It covers their judgement of you 
It even spoils their eyes of how they see themselves


God grant the grace to stay true to ourselves
To know ourselves before we say 'Yes I do!'
To find the significant other, to look them in the eye
And to feel the fire of love in our eyes

Let's just hope that no one creates a pit
For himself that he can't dig out
Trust God and Flee from evil.

Loyal we should keep it 100%



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