New year Resolutions for 2016

Making a decision about the lifestyle you want to live
is one of the biggest decisions to make in 2016
'I no longer want to live but to thrive"

Secondly, set out to be more consistent this year
The key to achieving anything you want in 2016 is being disciplined
and being consistent.

Thirdly, Who are you spending time with?
Despite busy and hectic schedules find time to spend with yourself,
If you miss a meeting with yourself, you are missing out on a meeting 
with the most important person in the world.
Spend time with those who matter to us too!

Fourthly, Get your finances right!
Let's try and spend time wisely and be accountable to ourselves
Remember a little expenses can sink a great ship/

Lastly, lets give more this year,
There are so many people out there who are in need
Find that family member that needs support.
Find that charity nearby you can give to .
And create a life for others in your own little way!

"There are blessings every day. 
Find them, create them, treasure them"

We are God's Perfect Creation
Beautiful of all Worlds


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