The Battle for Your Soul

We all know what is a testimony without a test You are a believer, a lover of God and a soul feeder All of a sudden, things go haywire!!! Things get so bad and everything around you falls apart Job was a very rich, prudent and obedient man to God He could have resorted to other ways of life being powerful But he made sure he and his household served God So when tribulations come What do we do? Others would pratically say God is no longer with him But in that very moment, all you have got left is FAITH If God took away all you had Would you continue loving God like the first day To be chosen , truth be told, you need to love God hard! If there is going to be a turn around for you Then certainly things can't remain the same! One of the best ways the Bible decribes a Christain Is that of a soldier Why is it so? That God looks at us that way! This is because the Christian life is filled with bread and butter But it is also filled ...